Chris Reed and Jim Goldenberg have both served as producers and announcers of TMZ. The show is a companion to the celebrity news website
TMZ stands for Thirty Mile Zone, it's the area within a 30 mile radius of downtown Los Angeles, also known as The Studio Zone. Since April 2013 the TV show and website have been produced in a studio facility located at 13031 W. Jefferson Blvd. in Los Angeles, California. Previously, both were headquartered at Victory Studios in Glendale, California and then at Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles.
Reed has also been a producer for TV’s Beyond Twisted and Girls Behaving Badly.
Goldenberg has been a producer for Beyond Twisted and voiced a character for TV’s Family Guy.
In TMZ buzz, TMZ Sports is launching and wants YOU! They need sports fanatics to dig up stories and report them for TMZ. Learn more and submit an application video here.