In the Ghost Adventures episode where the crew investigates the Goldfield Hotel, Zak Bagans explains that he is the only one wearing a mask because he has been very ill with some respiratory issues and he wants to be safe. While investigating, the crew often comes across black mold, asbestos, dust, and other contaminants.
This is, by the way, a dust mask, not a gas mask. Gases will pass right through the mask, but fine particles of matter will be blocked, thus protecting his respiratory system from foreign particulate matter. The episode aired on January 14, 2011 and features the team returning to Goldfield, NV where they first started finding evidence of the paranormal.
The first episode of season 7 of Ghost Adventures aired on September 21, 2012 at 8:00pm on the Travel Channel.
Meanwhile in Mid August 2012, Josh Gates from SyFy's Destination Truth tweeted that his network is planning to create a new paranormal/ghost hunting series:
Got what it takes to stay in a haunted house? Looking for real, dynamic people (18+) in groups of 3-4 for a new (cont)— Josh Gates (@joshuagates) August 18, 2012