In season 4 of the hit drama Breaking Bad, the IRS had caught up on Ted's "cooked books" and Skylar (The Chemist, Walter White's, Wife) gave him money to pay his back taxes.
Instead of using the money to pay the IRS, he bought a brand new car instead.
Skylar feared that if the IRS dug in too deeply to Ted's issues, they'd discover the things Walter was involved in, i.e. the meth lab, so she talked to Saul, the lawyer.
Saul sent his "A-Team" to Ted's house to convince him that he needed to take care of his obligations, and when Ted attempted to escape, he tripped on a rug and crashed his head into a piece of furniture (you can watch the scene in the video below).
At the end of season 4 we weren't sure if Ted broke his neck and died, or was just severely injured; in season 5 we find that he was severely injured, had indeed broken his neck, and was in a body cast with a halo brace to keep his neck immobilized.
Season 5 just started, and 2 episodes have aired; Breaking Bad is on AMC (the American Movie Classics channel), Sunday nights at 10:00pm.